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What is OKR?


OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. It is a goal-setting framework used by organizations to define and track objectives and their measurable outcomes. 

OKRs help align teams and individuals towards common goals, improve focus, and foster transparency and accountability. The framework typically involves setting ambitious and measurable objectives that provide direction and purpose, along with key results that serve as quantifiable milestones to measure progress and success. 

OKRs are usually defined on a quarterly basis and are designed to be challenging yet achievable, encouraging individuals and teams to stretch their capabilities. 

Objectives represent the desired outcomes or goals to be achieved, while Key Results are specific, measurable, and time-bound indicators that demonstrate progress toward those objectives. 

Progress on Key Results is often tracked and reviewed regularly, providing a way to monitor performance and make adjustments as needed. OKRs are known for their flexibility, adaptability, and focus on outcomes rather than tasks. They promote a results-driven culture and encourage continuous improvement and learning.


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